Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Capture Your Grief, Day 5: Journal, Day 6: Books

Note: I didn't realize this didn't publish on Sunday, when I originally wrote it. Technology...

Today, day 5 and day 6, are being written together. I took a glorious nap yesterday when I had planned to blog. It was much needed and well with it:) Thus, two days combined into one. 

Day 5: Journal

I didn't have the energy to write or journal yesterday as suggested. Instead, here is a picture of the journal that I wrote in quite frequently after Alfy died. I haven't gone back and read any of it yet, one day I will, at a time when I need to feel the raw emotion of his death again.

Day 6: Book(s)

I couldn't choose just one book or even one type of book. So I am including all books that have held significance for me in some form since Alfy's death. 

First up, The Hunger Games. I read one book each day one week (whole trilogy in 3 days). It was the first time I remember escaping from the deep sadness and emptiness I was feeling during the fresh grief. 

Next up, Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You, by Nancy Tillman. I bought this for Alfy a few months after he died. I took it to the cemetery and read it to him, lots.

Next came Celebrating Pregnancy Again by none other than Francesca Cox. A friend gave this to me shortly after finding out I was pregnant. I read this shortly after finding out I was pregnant with Alfy's brother, Vinny. 

Finally, Someone Came Before You, by Pat Schwiebert. I received this from a friend about one month before Vinny was due. It was the one of the most amazing and thoughtful gift I've ever received.

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