Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bloggin - Week 2

Trying to blog once a week is going to be harder than I thought.  It's not that I don't have anything going on, I'm just not sure that anyone wants to hear about it, cue self-doubt and no confidence (both have been creeping, no, storming, their way back into my life lately).  

I had a friend tell me of her second pregnancy.  It kind of hit me like a bombshell.  She had her first child 5 months after I had Alfy.  I've had my second child, so it's to be expected that others people I know will start having their second, third, fourth, whatever child.  It still catches me off guard and it still seems terribly unfair.  More of the "I'm so excited, we're expecting, how are we gonna announce it to family, friends, on Facebook? Can't wait for the shower! Never crosses my mind something could go wrong" naive outlook I am profoundly jealous of and can stand with any of my being all at the same time. 


Speaking of second children, I haven't written much about Vinny, but I think that will change as I go along.  He had some major milestones the past couple of weeks.  He is now 6 months and 2 weeks old.  Last week he figured out how to hold his bottle on his own (and balance it on his belly at school for efficiency) and last night he rolled over.  I was a little worried rolling was never going to come as he HATES tummy time.  But, I just kept telling myself it's okay, he's working at his own pace, and he was.  He also got his first major ouchie today.  While one of his teachers was getting the bumbo straps out of the way (does a bumbo seriously need straps?) he slid face first off her knee onto the floor.  No major damage, just a bright red, skinned nose to make him look like Rudolph.  He is a wonderful little being.  If you want someone to put a smile on your face, even at 6am (or earlier on rare occasion), he's the guy to do it.  He wakes up chattering and so excited to see you and be awake again, almost every day.  It's incredible.  

Well, it's time to go do a bath, an event that is lots of fun in our house (for real, he loves it!).

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Goal for Blogging

We started a blog at my work.  I have volunteered to write for it, although I don't yet know about what.  It's nice because the posts will be spread among many of us.  My colleague who is spear-heading the project made a comment that if you never post on your blog, no one will follow it.  I think that is probably where this blog is at.  I never post, so why would anyone follow it.  

I am going to make a new goal for myself.  For the next two months, I am going to post at least once per week, even if it's about nothing in particular and only contains two or three sentences, or even one. 

But I am going to post.  

I want to make more connections through this and that's not going to happen by it sitting here with no new posts.

Here's my post for this week :)  Off to a good start ;)