Saturday, August 3, 2013

Able to Share?

Looking at all the blogs I follow, there seems to be an absence of updates.  If they are anything like me, they're probably at a point in their grief/life/pregnancy that seems almost impossible to share with others.  That is where I am.  At a point where I don't know how to share.  

Although, I did come across something, not about me personally, but something I read that touched me.  I was reading through the obituaries and I came across one of a gentleman who died in his mid-fifties.  In the obit, it included those who had passed before him, which is customary.  The list of family members included his parents, grandparents, what one might expect.  But then, there was another name followed by the description of who it was, his infant brother who had passed.  I had to read it a few times, but it brought a smile to my face and some peace to my heart.

That's all I have to share for now.

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